
Function specs

A function specification defines a function that should be executed by an executor in the future. Below is a basic example of a function specification.

    "conditions": {
        "colonyname": "mycolony",
        "executortype": "helloworld-executor"
    "funcname": "helloworld"

funcname defines the name of the function that should be executed. conditions defines requirements that must be fullfilled by targeting executors. In the example, the executortype of an executor must be of the type helloworld-executor, only executors of that type will be eligible to be assigned this function. colonyname definies that name of the colony where this function should be executed. The colonyname is automatically set if using the Colonies CLI.


It is also possible to pass arguments to a function.

    "conditions": {
        "colonyname": "mycolony",
        "executortype": "cli"
    "funcname": "sleep",
    "args": [

Keyword arguments

Alternatively, it is also possible to specify keyword arguments.

     "conditions": {
         "colonyname": "mycolony",
         "executortype": "cli"
    "funcname": "helloworld",
    "desc": "Hello world example",
    "kwargs": {
        "str1_kw": "str1",
        "str2_kw": "str2"

Failure management

maxwaittime sets the limit for how long a process can stay in the queue at the Colonies server before being marked as failed if not executed. maxexectime determines the maximum time an executor can spend executing a process before it is unassigned and returned to the queue. maxretries specifies the number of times a process can be reassigned for execution before being automatically set as failed. These parameters are crucial for efficient process management and failure management. For instance, if an executor crashes, maxexectime ensures the process is reassigned, maintaining workload continuity.

    "conditions": {
        "executortype": "cli"
    "funcname": "sleep",
    "args": [
    "maxwaittime": 30,
    "maxexectime": 30,
    "maxretries": 3


A label can be set to more easily look up the process in the Colonies server database.

    "conditions": {
        "colonyname": "mycolony",
        "executortype": "helloworld-executor"
    "funcname": "helloworld",
    "label": "mylabel"

Hardware requirements

The conditions may also include hardware requirements needed to execute the function.

 "conditions": {
     "colonyname": "mycolony",
     "executortype": "helloworld-executor",
     "nodes": 10,
     "cpu": "1000m",
     "processes": 10,
     "processespernode": 1,
     "mem": "10G",
     "storage": "10G",
     "gpu": {
         "name": "test_name1",
         "mem": "11G",
         "count": 1,
         "nodecount": 0
     "walltime": 1000
    "funcname": "helloworld",
    "label": "mylabel"


 "nodename": "test_name",
 "funcname": "test_func",
 "args": [
 "kwargs": {
     "0": "test_arg"
 "priority": 5,
 "maxwaittime": -1,
 "maxexectime": -1,
 "maxretries": 3,
 "conditions": {
     "colonyname": "e4b9f76c1d9488601c80c61e4cac860565087f568f7d6240dfac3bda215c30e7",
     "executorids": [
     "executortype": "test_executor_type",
     "dependencies": [
     "nodes": 10,
     "cpu": "1000m",
     "processes": 10,
     "processespernode": 1,
     "mem": "10G",
     "storage": "10G",
     "gpu": {
         "name": "test_name1",
         "mem": "11G",
         "count": 1,
         "nodecount": 0
     "walltime": 1000
 "label": "test_label",
 "fs": {
     "mount": "/cfs",
     "snapshots": [
             "snapshotid": "test_snapshotid1",
             "label": "test_label1",
             "dir": "test_dir1",
             "keepfiles": false,
             "keepsnapshot": false
             "snapshotid": "test_snapshotid2",
             "label": "test_label2",
             "dir": "test_dir2",
             "keepfiles": true,
             "keepsnapshot": true
     "dirs": [
             "label": "test_label1",
             "dir": "test_dir1",
             "keepfiles": false,
             "onconflicts": {
                 "onstart": {
                     "keeplocal": false
                 "onclose": {
                     "keeplocal": false
             "label": "test_label2",
             "dir": "test_dir2",
             "keepfiles": false,
             "onconflicts": {
                 "onstart": {
                     "keeplocal": false
                 "onclose": {
                     "keeplocal": false
 "env": {
     "test_key": "test_value"

Workflow specs

        "nodename": "task_a",
        "funcname": "echo",
        "args": [
        "conditions": {
            "executortype": "cli",
            "dependencies": []
        "nodename": "task_b",
        "funcname": "echo",
        "args": [
        "conditions": {
            "executortype": "cli",
            "dependencies": [
        "nodename": "task_c",
        "funcname": "echo",
        "args": [
        "conditions": {
            "executortype": "cli",
            "dependencies": [
        "nodename": "task_d",
        "funcname": "echo",
        "args": [
        "conditions": {
            "executortype": "cli",
            "dependencies": [