Getting started

The Colonies is written in Golang and is compiled into a single binary, which simplifies deployment and eliminates external dependencies, ensuring consistent, cross-platform execution. The entire ColonyOS framework consists of the colonies binary.


Download the Colonies CLI binary here.

On Windows, it is recommended to use Unix alike shell, e.g. Git BASH, Linux for Windows with WSL, or Cygwin.

The following environmental variables must be set at a minimum. Replace the sample values below with the actual ones you will use. Keep in mind that the private key is sensitive and should be kept confidential.

export COLONIES_TLS="true"
export COLONIES_PRVKEY="a499fddafe51fabb405dae13c33daa9d63fe262ee92e6fff52c82b4a72e36f6d"

If you are a colony administrator, you may also want to set:

export COLONIES_COLONY_PRVKEY="29ddccc9e2825378b9055e2667c2fcf0ceffc4e8744ad0e97dd37f8a20750820"

To be able to create a new colony, you need to be a Colonies server administrator and set the following variables:

export COLONIES_SERVER_PRVKEY="74b1e2168600ef0186b43515747ac0020698b1dab2d6eb868e329122727353c4"

Addititionally, to be able to use Colonies Filesystem, you need to provide AWS S3 configuration and credentials:

export AWS_S3_ENDPOINT=""
export AWS_S3_ACCESSKEY=""
export AWS_S3_SECRETKEY=""
export AWS_S3_REGION_KEY=""
export AWS_S3_BUCKET=""
export AWS_S3_TLS=""

If you are using the Colonies CLI on Windows with Git Bash, you may need to set the following environment variable to prevent Git Bash to translates Unix-like paths into Windows-style paths.


To print table in ASCII format, set the following environment variable:

export COLONIES_CLI_ASCII="false"

Getting help

To use the Colonies CLI tool, just type colonies.

Colonies CLI tool

  colonies [command]

Available Commands:
  attribute   Manage process attributes
  cluster     Manage clusters
  colony      Manage colonies
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  config      Show currently used configuration
  cron        Manage cron
  database    Manage internal database
  dev         Start a development server
  executor    Manage executors
  fs          Manage file storage
  function    Manage functions
  generator   Manage generators
  help        Help about any command
  key         Manage private keys
  log         Manage logging
  monitor     Manage Prometheus monitoring
  process     Manage processes
  server      Manage production server
  users       Manage users
  workflow    Manage workflows

  -h, --help              help for colonies
      --insecure          Disable TLS and use HTTP
      --skip-tls-verify   Skip TLS certificate verification
  -v, --verbose           Verbose (debugging)

Use "colonies [command] --help" for more information about a command.

To get help about a certain subcommand, e.g. type: colonies process –help

Manage processes

  colonies process [command]

Available Commands:
  assign      Assign a process to a executor
  close       Close a process as successful
  remove      Remove a process
  removeall   Remove all processes
  fail        Close a process as failed
  get         Get info about a process
  ps          List all running processes
  psf         List all failed processes
  pss         List all successful processes
  psw         List all waiting processes

  -h, --help          help for process
      --host string   Server host (default "localhost")
      --port int      Server HTTP port (default -1)

Global Flags:
      --insecure          Disable TLS and use HTTP
      --skip-tls-verify   Skip TLS certificate verification
  -v, --verbose           Verbose (debugging)

Use "colonies process [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Auto completion

Generate a completion file.

colonies completion fish > colonies_completion

Then source the colonies_completion file in the shell config file, e.g.

source ~/.config/fish/colonies_completion

Show current configuration

To get info about current configuration type:

colonies config
│ Current configuration            │
│ ColoniesServer │ localhost:50080 │
│ TLS            │ false           │
│ Colony         │ dev             │

Building from source

First install Golang, then just type: go run cmd/main.go in root of the Colonies Github directory. Alternatively, there is Makefile, type: make.


Create a new colony

First generate a new ECDSA private key. To use the new colony, you need to export the key as COLONIES_COLONY_PRVKEY.

colonies key generate
INFO[0000] Generated new private key

colonies colony add \
--name test_colony \
--colonyid f5ce6d9c328b0750ea37cad504e5f64e2380836231e9389eb848f77250eb038f
INFO[0000] Colony added


List all registered colonies

To list all registered colonies, you must be server administrator and the COLONIES_SERVER_PRVKEY must be set.

colonies colony ls
│ NAME        │ COLONYID                                                         │
│ dev         │ 4787a5071856a4acf702b2ffcea422e3237a679c681314113d86139461290cf4 │
│ test_colony │ f5ce6d9c328b0750ea37cad504e5f64e2380836231e9389eb848f77250eb038f │

Remove a colony

Only a colony owner can remove a colony and you need to have a valid COLONIES_COLONY_PRVKEY private key.

colonies colony remove --name test_colony

Get statistics

All valid users and executors can get statistics on a colony. Set the COLONIES_PRVKEY environment variable to interact with a colony, and the COLONIES_COLONY_NAME environment variable to specify the colony name.

colonies colony stats --name dev
│ Colony               │ dev │
│ Executors            │ 3   │
│ Waiting processes    │ 10  │
│ Running processes    │ 3   │
│ Successful processes │ 131 │
│ Failed processes     │ 10  │
│ Waiting workflows    │ 0   │
│ Running workflows    │ 0   │
│ Successful workflows │ 5   │
│ Failed workflows     │ 1   │


Add a new user

First, generate a new ECDSA private key. The user Id is cryptographically linked to this newly generated private key. In fact, the Colonies server will reconstruct the user Id from the signatures of messages sent to it.

It’s also important to note that only the colony owner can add a user. Therefore, ensure that the COLONIES_COLONY_PRVKEY environment variable is correctly set.

Next, you need to set the COLONIES_PRVKEY environment variable to interact with a Colonies server with this new user account.

colonies key generate
INFO[0000] Generated new private key

colonies user add \
--name="johan" \
--email="" \
--phone="+467011122233" \
INFO[0000] User added


Note that both username and userid must be unique.

List users

To list all users member of a colony.

colonies user ls
│ USERNAME │ EMAIL                    │ PHONE         │
│ johan    │ │ +467011122233 │

Get info about a user

colonies user get --name johan
│ Username │ johan                                                            │
│ UserId   │ b06e5e9445b2db98ec66a813a0fba923422163923c9b41096867961ec39a5ab5 │
│ Phone    │ +467011122233                                                    │
│ Email    │                                         │
│ Colony   │ dev                                                              │

Remove a user

colonies user remove --name johan
INFO[0000] User removed



Register a new executor

Copy the JSON object below to a file, e.g. executor.json. Only executorname and executortype are mandatory fields. And only a colony owner can register a new executor.

    "executorname": "ml-executor",
    "executortype": "ml",
    "location": {
        "long": 65.61204640586546,
        "lat": 22.132275667285477,
        "desc": "ICE Datacenter"
    "capabilities": {
        "hardware": {
            "model": "AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor",
            "cpu": "4000m",
            "mem": "16Gi",
            "storage": "100Ti",
            "gpu": {
                "name": "nvidia_3080ti",
                "count": 1
        "software": {
            "name": "colonyos/ml:latest",
            "type": "k8s",
            "version": "latest"

Below is a minimal executor spec.

    "executorname": "ml-executor",
    "executortype": "ml"
colonies executor add --spec examples/executors/executor.json  \
--executorid 24bbbc074019734fc4676ec1641ca6f22c3ac943c48067ded3649602653a96c1 \

It is also possible to override executorname and executortype fields.

colonies executor add --spec examples/executors/executor.json  \
--executorid 24bbbc074019734fc4676ec1641ca6f22c3ac943c48067ded3649602653a96c1 \
--name my_name \
--type my_type \

Or simply skip the –spec argument, but then executorname and executortype must be specified.

colonies executor add --executorid 24bbbc074019734fc4676ec1641ca6f22c3ac943c48067ded3649602653a96c1 \
--name my_name \
--type my_type \

If –approve is not specified, the executor will be registered, but is not allowed to get process assignments.

Approve an executor

Not approved executors do not take part of process brokering and will not get any processassignments. The following command will approve an executor:

colonies executor approve --name my_executor
INFO[0000] Executor approved

ColonyName=dev ExecutorName=my_executor

Reject an executor

The following command will reject an executor and prevent it from taking part of process brokering:

colonies executor reject --name my_executor
INFO[0000] Executor rejected

ColonyName=dev ExecutorName=my_executor

Remove an executor

colonies executor remove --name  ml-executor
INFO[0000] Executor removed

ColonyName=dev ExecutorName=ml-executor

List executors

colonies executor ls
│ NAME        │ TYPE │ LOCATION       │
│ ml-executor │ ml   │ ICE Datacenter │
│ myexecutor  │ cli  │                │

Get info about an executor

colonies executor get --name ml-executor
│ Name                    │ ml-executor                                                      │
│ Id                      │ 24bbbc074019734fc4676ec1641ca6f22c3ac943c48067ded3649602653a96c1 │
│ Type                    │ ml                                                               │
│ Colony                  │ dev                                                              │
│ State                   │ Approved                                                         │
│ RequireFuncRegistration │ False                                                            │
│ CommissionTime          │ 2024-01-02 18:54:06                                              │
│ LastHeardFrom           │ 0001-01-01 00:53:28                                              │
│ Location                     │
│ Longitude   │ 65.612046      │
│ Latitude    │ 22.132276      │
│ Description │ ICE Datacenter │
│ Hardware                                         │
│ Nodes      │ 0                                   │
│ Model      │ AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor │
│ CPU        │ 4000m                               │
│ Memory     │ 16Gi                                │
│ Storage    │ 100Ti                               │
│ GPU        │ nvidia_3080ti                       │
│ GPUs       │ 1                                   │
│ GPU/Node   │ 0                                   │
│ GPU Memory │                                     │
│ Software                     │
│ Name    │ colonyos/ml:latest │
│ Type    │ k8s                │
│ Version │ latest             │


Submitting function specs

ColonyOS operates on the principle of submitting Functions Specifications to a colony, which are then executed by various executors, members of that colony. When a Function Specification is received by the Colonies server, it is wrapped into a process, which is subsequently assigned to an executor. Each executor is responsible for implementing one or more of these functions and connects to the Colonies server to receive assignments.

Let’s submit a Function Specification for executing a function named helloworld, specifying helloworld-executor as the target executor type. Note that a Function Specification can be submitted even if there are no matching executors currently available in the colony. These functions will be executed in the future when an executor of matching executortype becomes available.

    "conditions": {
        "executortype": "helloworld-executor"
    "funcname": "helloworld"
colonies function submit --spec ./examples/functions/helloworld.json
INFO[0000] Process submitted


The command will block until the process is executed by an executor. First, we need to generate a new ECDSA private key that will be used by the executor.

colonies key generate
INFO[0000] Generated new private key

colonies executor add --executorid ee58b16a187bb4467437cc068741118bf6ca0ba42e6589c7ea016550ac63e517 \
--name helloworld-executor \
--type helloworld-executor \
INFO[0000] Executor added

ExecutorName=helloworld-executor ExecutorType=helloworld-executor

Assigning functions to executors

To assign a process to an executor, the command colonies process assign can be used and also specify the helloworld-executor executor’s private key. Typically, the assign operation is carried out by specialized executors developed using the ColonyOS SDKs, rather than through the Colonies CLI. The example below is primarily for educational purposes.

colonies process assign --prvkey 8c32cdcea68600e05df8661eb0cb6679b9ba1d62c901b2a0a55c2eecd9bbbf58
INFO[0000] Assigned process to executor


The Helloworld executor is now assigned to the process, which means that it have exclusive access to it. No other executors can hence be assigned this particular process. Only the assigned executor can manipulate the process, such as closint it. Now close the process with a result string (Hej).

colonies process close \
-p 0ddcc0b74ab1ec0cace153432fbf0bb3c7cdd3deffc0d0a69ad1f210f570962c \
--prvkey 8c32cdcea68600e05df8661eb0cb6679b9ba1d62c901b2a0a55c2eecd9bbbf58 \
--out Hej
INFO[0000] Process closed as Successful


Alternatively, we can close the process as failed.

colonies process close \
-p 0ddcc0b74ab1ec0cace153432fbf0bb3c7cdd3deffc0d0a69ad1f210f570962c \
--prvkey 8c32cdcea68600e05df8661eb0cb6679b9ba1d62c901b2a0a55c2eecd9bbbf58 \
--out Hej
INFO[0000] Process closed as Failed


Alternative method to execute a function

It is possible to submit a Function Specification without specifying a JSON file, which can be suitable for simpler use cases.

colonies function exec --func helloworld --targettype helloworld-executor

It also possible to provide args. Note that kwargs is currently not support by the exec function.

colonies function exec --func fibonacci --args 10 --targettype cli

Registering a function

The primary role of executors is to execute tasks. executors can register a Function, thereby indicating to other executors or users their ability to execute a specific function. Importantly, only the executor itself can register Functions to itself; this task cannot be performed by Users or other executors. To register a Function, access to the executor’s ECDSA private key is required.

colonies function register --name helloworld-executor \
--func helloworld \
--prvkey 8c32cdcea68600e05df8661eb0cb6679b9ba1d62c901b2a0a55c2eecd9bbbf58

List all registered functions

To list all registered Function in a colony and get some basic statistics, type:

colonies function ls
│ Function: helloworld               │
│ ExecutorType │ helloworld-executor │
│ FunctionName │ helloworld          │
│ Call counter │ 0                   │
│ MinWaitTime  │ 0.000000 s          │
│ MaxWaitTime  │ 0.000000 s          │
│ AvgWaitTime  │ 0.000000 s          │
│ MinExecTime  │ 0.000000 s          │
│ MaxExecTime  │ 0.000000 s          │
│ AvgExecTime  │ 0.000000 s          │

If two or more executors provide the same Function, they will compete for process assignments, effectively load-balancing requests between executors.


List waiting processes

colonies process psw
│ helloworld │      │        │ 2024-01-02 18:57:36 │ helloworld-executor │ myexecutor │
│ helloworld │      │        │ 2024-01-02 18:57:35 │ helloworld-executor │ myexecutor │
│ helloworld │      │        │ 2024-01-02 18:57:35 │ helloworld-executor │ myexecutor │
│ helloworld │      │        │ 2024-01-02 18:57:31 │ helloworld-executor │ myexecutor │

Use the flag -i to also print process IDs.

colonies process psw -i
│ ID                                                               │ FUNCNAME   │ ARGS │ KWARGS │ SUBMSSIONTIME       │ EXECUTORTYPE        │ INITIATOR  │
│ 963c37ec90177cd2aae3aac0a5b3fe3ebf494f736fd6225b0d596da0f50850a7 │ helloworld │      │        │ 2024-01-02 18:57:36 │ helloworld-executor │ myexecutor │
│ 36c1c32f44c477e5958b64b42487708ce3cb091936e4939e8289d3cb3a5b7463 │ helloworld │      │        │ 2024-01-02 18:57:35 │ helloworld-executor │ myexecutor │
│ def42ec43e4add06bb803bdbd9d572df64eaed4479242093fe7d450b23d41b8f │ helloworld │      │        │ 2024-01-02 18:57:35 │ helloworld-executor │ myexecutor │
│ e298c2ef655fada6ef752b11370c315bec9667406665475f5d64280889a44114 │ helloworld │      │        │ 2024-01-02 18:57:31 │ helloworld-executor │ myexecutor │

List running processes

colonies process ps
│ helloworld │      │        │ 2024-01-02 18:59:47 │ helloworld-executor │ myexecutor │
│ helloworld │      │        │ 2024-01-02 18:59:45 │ helloworld-executor │ myexecutor │

List successful processes

colonies process pss
│ helloworld │      │        │ 2024-01-02 18:57:35 │ helloworld-executor │ myexecutor │

List failed processes

colonies process psf
│ helloworld │      │        │ 2024-01-02 19:02:01 │ helloworld-executor │ myexecutor │

Filtering processes

It is possible to specify a label when submitting a process. This label can then be used to filter processes. The label can be either be specified in the JSON file or with the –label flag when submitting function specifications.

colonies process ps --func helloworld --label mylabel
colonies function exec --func fibonacci --args 10 --targettype cli --label mylabel
    "conditions": {
        "executortype": "helloworld-executor"
    "funcname": "helloworld",
        "label": "mylabel"

To filter processes with a specific label, type:

colonies process ps --label mylabel

It is also possible to filter processes based on initiator name.

colonies process ps --initiator myuser

Get info about a process

colonies process get -p e298c2ef655fada6ef752b11370c315bec9667406665475f5d64280889a44114
│ Process                                                                               │
│ Id                 │ e298c2ef655fada6ef752b11370c315bec9667406665475f5d64280889a44114 │
│ IsAssigned         │ True                                                             │
│ InitiatorID        │ 3fc05cf3df4b494e95d6a3d297a34f19938f7daa7422ab0d4f794454133341ac │
│ Initiator          │ myexecutor                                                       │
│ AssignedExecutorID │ ee58b16a187bb4467437cc068741118bf6ca0ba42e6589c7ea016550ac63e517 │
│ AssignedExecutorID │ Failed                                                           │
│ PriorityTime       │ 1704218251124505155                                              │
│ SubmissionTime     │ 2024-01-02 18:57:31                                              │
│ StartTime          │ 2024-01-02 18:57:31                                              │
│ EndTime            │ 2024-01-02 18:57:31                                              │
│ WaitDeadline       │ 0001-01-01 00:53:28                                              │
│ ExecDeadline       │ 0001-01-01 00:53:28                                              │
│ WaitingTime        │ 2m14.682235s                                                     │
│ ProcessingTime     │ 2m15.20196s                                                      │
│ Retries            │ 0                                                                │
│ Input              │                                                                  │
│ Output             │                                                                  │
│ Errors             │ No errors specified                                              │
│ Function Specification   │
│ Func        │ helloworld │
│ Args        │ None       │
│ KwArgs      │ None       │
│ MaxWaitTime │ -1         │
│ MaxExecTime │ -1         │
│ MaxRetries  │ 0          │
│ Priority    │ 0          │
│ Function Specification   │
│ Func        │ helloworld │
│ Args        │ None       │
│ KwArgs      │ None       │
│ MaxWaitTime │ -1         │
│ MaxExecTime │ -1         │
│ MaxRetries  │ 0          │
│ Priority    │ 0          │
│ Label       │            │
│ Conditions                             │
│ Colony           │ dev                 │
│ ExecutorNames    │ None                │
│ ExecutorType     │ helloworld-executor │
│ Dependencies     │                     │
│ Nodes            │ 0                   │
│ CPU              │ 0m                  │
│ Memory           │ 0Ki                 │
│ Processes        │ 0                   │
│ ProcessesPerNode │ 0                   │
│ Storage          │ 0Ki                 │
│ Walltime         │ 0                   │
│ GPUName          │                     │
│ GPUs             │ 0                   │
│ GPUPerNode       │ 0                   │
│ GPUMemory        │ 0Ki                 │

No attributes found

Or as JSON instead of tables.

colonies process get -p e298c2ef655fada6ef752b11370c315bec9667406665475f5d64280889a44114 --json
  "processid": "e298c2ef655fada6ef752b11370c315bec9667406665475f5d64280889a44114",
  "initiatorid": "3fc05cf3df4b494e95d6a3d297a34f19938f7daa7422ab0d4f794454133341ac",
  "initiatorname": "myexecutor",
  "assignedexecutorid": "ee58b16a187bb4467437cc068741118bf6ca0ba42e6589c7ea016550ac63e517",
  "isassigned": true,
  "state": 3,
  "prioritytime": 1704218251124505155,
  "submissiontime": "2024-01-02T18:57:31.124505+01:00",
  "starttime": "2024-01-02T18:59:45.80674+01:00",
  "endtime": "2024-01-02T19:02:01.0087+01:00",
  "waitdeadline": "0001-01-01T00:53:28+00:53",
  "execdeadline": "0001-01-01T00:53:28+00:53",
  "retries": 0,
  "attributes": [],
  "spec": {
    "nodename": "",
    "funcname": "helloworld",
    "args": [],
    "kwargs": {},
    "priority": 0,
    "maxwaittime": -1,
    "maxexectime": -1,
    "maxretries": 0,
    "conditions": {
      "colonyname": "dev",
      "executorNames": null,
      "executortype": "helloworld-executor",
      "dependencies": [],
      "nodes": 0,
      "cpu": "0m",
      "processes": 0,
      "processespernode": 0,
      "mem": "0Ki",
      "storage": "0Ki",
      "gpu": {
        "name": "",
        "mem": "0Ki",
        "count": 0,
        "nodecount": 0
      "walltime": 0
    "label": "",
    "fs": {
      "mount": "",
      "snapshots": null,
      "dirs": null
    "env": {}
  "waitforparents": false,
  "parents": [],
  "children": [],
  "processgraphid": "",
  "in": [],
  "out": [],
  "errors": [
    "No errors specified"

Remove a process

colonies process remove -p  0bcca3064a6619f91770b9e49c77f7537020a63d7c5b5d693756a2231aa2ad72
INFO[0000] Process removed


Note that it is not possible to remove a process if it is part of a workflows.

Remove all processes

colonies process removeall
WARNING!!! Are you sure you want to remove all all processes from Colony <dev>.
This operation cannot be undone! (YES,no): YES

INFO[0002] Removing all processes in Colony


To only remove Waiting processes, type:

colonies process removeall --waiting

Or only remove Successful processes, type:

colonies process removeall --successful

Or Failed processes, type:

colonies process removeall --failed

Note that it is not possible to remove processes if it is part of a workflows.


Colonies provides logging functionality, allowing executors to add log messages to processes, e.g. stdout ot stderr logs. These logs are stored in a PostgreSQL database. If TimescaleDB is used, the logs will be stored in a timeseries hypertable; otherwise, they will be indexed and stored in a regular PostgreSQL table. If retention is enabled, log data will be automatically purged upon reaching its expiration date. This automated process ensures that logs are systematically removed from the server once they become outdated.

Adding logs to a process

Let’s demonstrate how to manage logs using the Colonies CLI. First submit a process.

colonies function submit --spec ./examples/functions/helloworld.json

To add a log to a process, the process be running and be assigned to an executor. Only the assigned executor can add logs. Let’s register an executor and assign the process we just submitted.

colonies key generate
INFO[0000] Generated new private key

colonies executor add --executorid ee58b16a187bb4467437cc068741118bf6ca0ba42e6589c7ea016550ac63e517 \
--name helloworld-executor \
--type helloworld-executor \
INFO[0000] Executor added

ExecutorName=helloworld-executor ExecutorType=helloworld-executor
colonies process assign --prvkey 8c32cdcea68600e05df8661eb0cb6679b9ba1d62c901b2a0a55c2eecd9bbbf58
INFO[0000] Assigned process to executor


Now, the process is assign to the executor. Let’s add log to it.

colonies log add -p 511c09528b01a26d95bc4ed0899c65f2b95732aadb1221bd42d1c1e17d9daa34 \
-m "helloworld" \
--prvkey 8c32cdcea68600e05df8661eb0cb6679b9ba1d62c901b2a0a55c2eecd9bbbf58
INFO[0000] Adding log

LogMsg=helloworld ProcessID=511c09528b01a26d95bc4ed0899c65f2b95732aadb1221bd42d1c1e17d9daa34

Getting logs

colonies log get -p 511c09528b01a26d95bc4ed0899c65f2b95732aadb1221bd42d1c1e17d9daa34

It is possible to use flag -follow to follow a process and print all logs until the process is concludes.

Searching logs

It is possible to search logs based on a text string. The example below searches for logs containing the string ERROR.

colonies log search --text ERROR
 INFO[0000] Searching for logs
 Count=100 Days=1 Text=ERROR

│ Timestamp    │ 2024-01-06 13:45:38                                              │
│ ExecutorName │ helloworld-executor                                              │
│ ProcessID    │ 0bb15f66e85d729b63d8bcd53f79c19e25ba15fce1b631bb559f560f9c724c51 │
│ Text         │ ERROR: failed to say hello                                       │
│ Timestamp    │ 2024-01-06 13:40:00                                              │
│ ExecutorName │ helloworld-executor                                              │
│ ProcessID    │ 0bb15f66e85d729b63d8bcd53f79c19e25ba15fce1b631bb559f560f9c724c51 │
│ Text         │ ERROR: failed to print                                           │

The example above only searches for logs from the last 24 hours. To search for logs from the last 7 days, type:

colonies log search --text ERROR --days 7

Only show the last error log:

colonies log search --text ERROR --days 7 --print

It is also possible print the logs and surrounding logs. The example below prints the last error log and the surrounding logs 1 second before the error string occured.

INFO[0000] Searching for logs
Count=100 Days=1
Seconds=1 Text=ERROR

Timestamp: 2024-01-06 13:45:38
ProcessID: 0bb15f66e85d729b63d8bcd53f79c19e25ba15fce1b631bb559f560f9c724c51

ExecutorName: helloworld-executor
=================== LOGS ====================
ERROR: failed to print
================= END LOGS ==================

Timestamp: 2024-01-06 13:40:00
ProcessID: 0bb15f66e85d729b63d8bcd53f79c19e25ba15fce1b631bb559f560f9c724c51
ExecutorName: helloworld-executor
=================== LOGS ====================
ERROR: failed to print
================= END LOGS ==================

The print logs 10 seconds before the error string occured, type:

colonies log search --text ERROR --days 7 --print --seconds 10

Limit number of logs to print to 2, type:

colonies log search --text ERROR --days 7 --print --seconds 10 --count 2


Attributes are key-value pairs that can be used to store arbitrary data associated with a process. Attributes can be used to store information about the process, such as the input and output data, or to store information about the process execution. Attributes can only be added to process by an executor that has been assigned to that process. Let’s submit a process and assign it to demonstrate how to use attributes.

Submit and assign a process

colonies function submit --spec ./examples/functions/helloworld.json
INFO[0000] Process submitted
colonies process assign --prvkey 8c32cdcea68600e05df8661eb0cb6679b9ba1d62c901b2a0a55c2eecd9bbbf58
INFO[0000] Assigned process to executor

Add an attribute to a process

colonies attribute add --key mykey \
                       --value myvalue \
                       -p def42ec43e4add06bb803bdbd9d572df64eaed4479242093fe7d450b23d41b8f \
                       --prvkey 8c32cdcea68600e05df8661eb0cb6679b9ba1d62c901b2a0a55c2eecd9bbbf58

 colonies attribute add --key mykey \
--value myvalue \
-p 2dfc4d9348624f750151ad1eed24941676c30915d92af96c62bac155609c38c1 \
--prvkey 8c32cdcea68600e05df8661eb0cb6679b9ba1d62c901b2a0a55c2eecd9bbbf58
INFO[0000] Attribute added

Lookup an attribute on a process

colonies attribute get --attributeid 1c07e06dde48b7a25a44ed644ccfcc883fed420b0fdc1207f4e829e1617571db
│ ATTRIBUTEID                                                      │ TARGETID                                                         │ KEY   │ VALUE   │ TYPE │
│ 1c07e06dde48b7a25a44ed644ccfcc883fed420b0fdc1207f4e829e1617571db │ def42ec43e4add06bb803bdbd9d572df64eaed4479242093fe7d450b23d41b8f │ mykey │ myvalue │ Out  │

Attributes can also viewed by looking up a process.

colonies process get -p def42ec43e4add06bb803bdbd9d572df64eaed4479242093fe7d450b23d41b8f
│ Process                                                                               │
│ Id                 │ def42ec43e4add06bb803bdbd9d572df64eaed4479242093fe7d450b23d41b8f │
│ IsAssigned         │ True                                                             │
│ InitiatorID        │ 3fc05cf3df4b494e95d6a3d297a34f19938f7daa7422ab0d4f794454133341ac │
│ Initiator          │ myexecutor                                                       │
│ AssignedExecutorID │ ee58b16a187bb4467437cc068741118bf6ca0ba42e6589c7ea016550ac63e517 │
│ AssignedExecutorID │ Running                                                          │
│ PriorityTime       │ 1704218255844915410                                              │
│ SubmissionTime     │ 2024-01-02 18:57:35                                              │
│ StartTime          │ 2024-01-02 18:57:35                                              │
│ EndTime            │ 2024-01-02 18:57:35                                              │
│ WaitDeadline       │ 0001-01-01 00:53:28                                              │
│ ExecDeadline       │ 0001-01-01 00:53:28                                              │
│ WaitingTime        │ 10m51.249646s                                                    │
│ ProcessingTime     │ 10m45.301510243s                                                 │
│ Retries            │ 0                                                                │
│ Input              │                                                                  │
│ Output             │                                                                  │
│ Errors             │                                                                  │
│ Function Specification   │
│ Func        │ helloworld │
│ Args        │ None       │
│ KwArgs      │ None       │
│ MaxWaitTime │ -1         │
│ MaxExecTime │ -1         │
│ MaxRetries  │ 0          │
│ Priority    │ 0          │
│ Function Specification   │
│ Func        │ helloworld │
│ Args        │ None       │
│ KwArgs      │ None       │
│ MaxWaitTime │ -1         │
│ MaxExecTime │ -1         │
│ MaxRetries  │ 0          │
│ Priority    │ 0          │
│ Label       │            │
│ Conditions                             │
│ Colony           │ dev                 │
│ ExecutorNames    │ None                │
│ ExecutorType     │ helloworld-executor │
│ Dependencies     │                     │
│ Nodes            │ 0                   │
│ CPU              │ 0m                  │
│ Memory           │ 0Ki                 │
│ Processes        │ 0                   │
│ ProcessesPerNode │ 0                   │
│ Storage          │ 0Ki                 │
│ Walltime         │ 0                   │
│ GPUName          │                     │
│ GPUs             │ 0                   │
│ GPUPerNode       │ 0                   │
│ GPUMemory        │ 0Ki                 │
│ Attributes                                                                               │
│ ATTRIBUTEID                                                      │ KEY   │ TYPE    │     │
│ 1c07e06dde48b7a25a44ed644ccfcc883fed420b0fdc1207f4e829e1617571db │ mykey │ myvalue │ Out │


Submit a workflow

        "nodename": "task_a",
        "funcname": "echo",
        "args": [
        "conditions": {
            "executortype": "cli",
            "dependencies": []
        "nodename": "task_b",
        "funcname": "echo",
        "args": [
        "conditions": {
            "executortype": "cli",
            "dependencies": [
        "nodename": "task_c",
        "funcname": "echo",
        "args": [
        "conditions": {
            "executortype": "cli",
            "dependencies": [
        "nodename": "task_d",
        "funcname": "echo",
        "args": [
        "conditions": {
            "executortype": "cli",
            "dependencies": [
colonies workflow submit --spec examples/workflows/workflow.json
INFO[0000] Workflow submitted
colonies process psw
│ echo       │ task_b │        │ 2024-01-02 19:21:43 │ cli                 │ myexecutor │
│ echo       │ task_c │        │ 2024-01-02 19:21:43 │ cli                 │ myexecutor │
│ echo       │ task_d │        │ 2024-01-02 19:21:43 │ cli                 │ myexecutor │
│ echo       │ task_a │        │ 2024-01-02 19:21:43 │ cli                 │ myexecutor │

List waiting workflows

colonies workflow psw
│ WORKFLOWID                                                       │ SUBMSSIONTIME       │ INITIATOR  │
│ dacee3f1a54074f77e1682df20cedcae550a796ff831123793e491d7acfcfaf7 │ 2024-01-02 19:21:43 │ myexecutor │

List running workflows

colonies workflow ps
WARN[0000] No running workflows found

List successful workflows

colonies workflow pss
WARN[0000] No successful workflows found

List failed workflows

colonies workflow psf
WARN[0000] No successful workflows found

Get info about a workflow

colonies workflow get --workflowid dacee3f1a54074f77e1682df20cedcae550a796ff831123793e491d7acfcfaf7
│ Workflow                                                                          │
│ WorkflowId     │ dacee3f1a54074f77e1682df20cedcae550a796ff831123793e491d7acfcfaf7 │
│ SubmissionTime │ 2024-01-02 19:21:43                                              │
│ State          │ Waiting                                                          │
│ StartTime      │ 0001-01-01 00:53:28                                              │
│ InitiatorName  │ myexecutor                                                       │
│ InitiatorId    │ 3fc05cf3df4b494e95d6a3d297a34f19938f7daa7422ab0d4f794454133341ac │
│ EndTime        │ 0001-01-01 00:53:28                                              │

│ WaitingForParents │ false                                                            │
│ State             │ Waiting                                                          │
│ ProcessId         │ 025ee8eaf3fd031b7188687f8ef877b10f2b803036d9c1aea524769d2fe94ade │
│ NodeName          │ task_a                                                           │
│ KwArgs            │ None                                                             │
│ InitiatorId       │ 3fc05cf3df4b494e95d6a3d297a34f19938f7daa7422ab0d4f794454133341ac │
│ Initiator         │ myexecutor                                                       │
│ FuncName          │ echo                                                             │
│ ExecutorType      │ cli                                                              │
│ Dependencies      │ None                                                             │
│ Args              │ task_a                                                           │
│ WaitingForParents │ true                                                             │
│ State             │ Waiting                                                          │
│ ProcessId         │ 323082529ba9d3c1888fc049ca6757a2093828b5e42c946e4c8204d4bc4b4973 │
│ NodeName          │ task_b                                                           │
│ KwArgs            │ None                                                             │
│ InitiatorId       │ 3fc05cf3df4b494e95d6a3d297a34f19938f7daa7422ab0d4f794454133341ac │
│ Initiator         │ myexecutor                                                       │
│ FuncName          │ echo                                                             │
│ ExecutorType      │ cli                                                              │
│ Dependencies      │ task_a                                                           │
│ Args              │ task_b                                                           │
│ WaitingForParents │ true                                                             │
│ State             │ Waiting                                                          │
│ ProcessId         │ b3be222780252f9f334671b8f35a90b7267ff34878cee054cd084fad9e916853 │
│ NodeName          │ task_d                                                           │
│ KwArgs            │ None                                                             │
│ InitiatorId       │ 3fc05cf3df4b494e95d6a3d297a34f19938f7daa7422ab0d4f794454133341ac │
│ Initiator         │ myexecutor                                                       │
│ FuncName          │ echo                                                             │
│ ExecutorType      │ cli                                                              │
│ Dependencies      │ task_b task_c                                                    │
│ Args              │ task_d                                                           │
│ WaitingForParents │ true                                                             │
│ State             │ Waiting                                                          │
│ ProcessId         │ 45b650eb0dd8e61e1ad338f40efe4734dd3d2cf3ad5b179f33f9dce4ddf3ec99 │
│ NodeName          │ task_c                                                           │
│ KwArgs            │ None                                                             │
│ InitiatorId       │ 3fc05cf3df4b494e95d6a3d297a34f19938f7daa7422ab0d4f794454133341ac │
│ Initiator         │ myexecutor                                                       │
│ FuncName          │ echo                                                             │
│ ExecutorType      │ cli                                                              │
│ Dependencies      │ task_a                                                           │
│ Args              │ task_c                                                           │

Remove a workflow

colonies workflow remove --workflowid 7fee39395bc839168efff707ed5ed23dcf713c7a87cb9e3f2e679f24bc3b79e3
INFO[0000] Workflow removed


Remove all workflows

colonies workflow removeall
WARNING!!! Are you sure you want to remove all workflows in the Colony <dev>. This operation cannot be undone! (YES,no):
This operation cannot be undone! (YES,no): YES

INFO[0002] Removing all workflows in Colony


To only remove Waiting processes, type:

colonies workflow removeall --waiting

Or only remove Successful processes, type:

colonies workflow removeall --successful

Or Failed processes, type:

colonies worklflow removeall --failed


Cron expressions follow this format:

┌───────────── second (0 - 59)
│ ┌───────────── minute (0 - 59)
│ │ ┌───────────── hour (0 - 23)
│ │ │ ┌───────────── day of the month (1 - 31)
│ │ │ │ ┌───────────── month (1 - 12)
│ │ │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of the week
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
* * * * * *

Spawn a workflow every second starting at 00 seconds: 0/1 * * * * *

Spawn a workflow every other second starting at 00 seconds: 0/2 * * * * *

Spawn a workflow every minute starting at 30 seconds: 30 * * * * *

Spawn a workflow every Monday at 15:03:59: 59 3 15 * * MON

Spawn a workflow every Christmas Eve at 15:00: 0 0 15 24 12 *

Add a cron

Let’s add a Cron and run this workflow every 5 seconds.

        "nodename": "generate_date",
        "funcname": "date",
        "args": [
        "conditions": {
            "executortype": "cli",
            "dependencies": []
        "nodename": "print_date",
        "funcname": "cat",
        "args": [
        "conditions": {
            "executortype": "cli",
            "dependencies": [
colonies cron add --name example_cron --cron "0/5 * * * * *" --spec examples/cron/cron_workflow.json
INFO[0000] Will not wait for previous processgraph to finish
INFO[0000] Cron added


We can now see that new processes starting to appear every 5 seconds. Use the flag –waitprevious to only spawn a new process if the current process in the queue has finised or failed.

colonies process psw
│ cat        │ /tmp/currentdate   │        │ 2024-01-02 19:25:55 │ cli                 │ myexecutor │
│ date       │ > /tmp/currentdate │        │ 2024-01-02 19:25:55 │ cli                 │ myexecutor │
│ cat        │ /tmp/currentdate   │        │ 2024-01-02 19:25:50 │ cli                 │ myexecutor │
│ date       │ > /tmp/currentdate │        │ 2024-01-02 19:25:50 │ cli                 │ myexecutor │
│ date       │ > /tmp/currentdate │        │ 2024-01-02 19:25:45 │ cli                 │ myexecutor │
│ cat        │ /tmp/currentdate   │        │ 2024-01-02 19:25:45 │ cli                 │ myexecutor │
│ date       │ > /tmp/currentdate │        │ 2024-01-02 19:25:40 │ cli                 │ myexecutor │
│ cat        │ /tmp/currentdate   │        │ 2024-01-02 19:25:40 │ cli                 │ myexecutor │

Listing crons

colonies cron ls
│ CRONID                                                           │ NAME         │ INITIATOR  │
│ 9005f3f4ea3ce9ff6fdd1aae14e67f6c6c02a72a280c2b359e28bdc3f23c7ee7 │ example_cron │ myexecutor │

Getting info about a cron

colonies cron get --cronid 9005f3f4ea3ce9ff6fdd1aae14e67f6c6c02a72a280c2b359e28bdc3f23c7ee7
│ Cron                                                                                       │
│ CronId                  │ 9005f3f4ea3ce9ff6fdd1aae14e67f6c6c02a72a280c2b359e28bdc3f23c7ee7 │
│ Name                    │ example_cron                                                     │
│ Colony                  │ dev                                                              │
│ InitiatorID             │ 3fc05cf3df4b494e95d6a3d297a34f19938f7daa7422ab0d4f794454133341ac │
│ Initiator               │ myexecutor                                                       │
│ Cron Expression         │ 0/5 * * * * *                                                    │
│ Interval                │ -1                                                               │
│ Random                  │ false                                                            │
│ NextRun                 │ 2024-01-02 19:27:35                                              │
│ LastRun                 │ 2024-01-02 19:27:35                                              │
│ PrevProcessGraphID      │ 8638064388532a2e2a082e4200579990b66243d01f2d32769e9fbc70ef206427 │
│ WaitForPrevProcessGraph │ false                                                            │
│ CheckerPeriod           │ 1000                                                             │
│ Function Specification            │
│ Func        │ date                │
│ Args        │ > /tmp/currentdate  │
│ KwArgs      │ None                │
│ MaxWaitTime │ 0                   │
│ MaxExecTime │ 0                   │
│ MaxRetries  │ 0                   │
│ Priority    │ 0                   │
│ Function Specification            │
│ Func        │ date                │
│ Args        │ > /tmp/currentdate  │
│ KwArgs      │ None                │
│ MaxWaitTime │ 0                   │
│ MaxExecTime │ 0                   │
│ MaxRetries  │ 0                   │
│ Priority    │ 0                   │
│ Label       │                     │
│ Function Specification          │
│ Func        │ cat               │
│ Args        │ /tmp/currentdate  │
│ KwArgs      │ None              │
│ MaxWaitTime │ 0                 │
│ MaxExecTime │ 0                 │
│ MaxRetries  │ 0                 │
│ Priority    │ 0                 │
│ Function Specification          │
│ Func        │ cat               │
│ Args        │ /tmp/currentdate  │
│ KwArgs      │ None              │
│ MaxWaitTime │ 0                 │
│ MaxExecTime │ 0                 │
│ MaxRetries  │ 0                 │
│ Priority    │ 0                 │
│ Label       │                   │

Immediately run a cron

colonies cron run --cronid 180828461a5b76b4e82b1cb5275a5995f7a690cd2ba4e07566b9e438e0cfdb3d
INFO[0000] Running cron


Use interval instead of a cron expressions

An alternative way to spawn a cron is to specify an interval instead of a cron expression. In the example, below a workflow is spawned every 10 seconds.

colonies cron add --name another_example_cron \
--interval 10 \
--spec examples/cron/cron_workflow.json
INFO[0000] Will not wait for previous processgraph to finish
INFO[0000] Cron added


Random intervals

It is also possible to spawn a workflow at a random time within an interval. This can be very useful when testing a software (e.g. chaos engineering).

In the example, a workflow will be spawned randomly within 10 seconds.

colonies cron add --name random_example_cron \
--interval 10 \
--random 10 \
--spec examples/cron/cron_workflow.json
INFO[0000] Will not wait for previous processgraph to finish
INFO[0000] Cron added


Remove a cron

colonies cron remove --cronid e5e25a98305ac11ff9292b584d4b119a48c99c5fa599d43e63cd9d57c53927d8
INFO[0000] Removing cron



Generators is a built-in feature in ColonyOS, which spawns workflows when certain conditions are met. Generators automatically spawn workflows when number of pack calls exceeds a threshold. Pack data is then available as an argument to the process.

Add a generator

colonies generator add --spec ./examples/generators/generator_workflow.json --name testgenerator --trigger 5
INFO[0000] Generator added


Send data to a generator

After 5 pack calls, the Generator should generate a workflow.

colonies generator pack --arg hello1 --generatorid 112480ed9cfc25f69ad87009d38946fd024c8d0320f7295838eda368e0cb7880

Make 4 more pack calls.

colonies generator pack --arg hello2 --generatorid 3ac74d27f132007d5fb2e7cbedb279f26c78f0c9df98ba73357c0efe91c9c1ef;
colonies generator pack --arg hello3 --generatorid 3ac74d27f132007d5fb2e7cbedb279f26c78f0c9df98ba73357c0efe91c9c1ef;
colonies generator pack --arg hello4 --generatorid 3ac74d27f132007d5fb2e7cbedb279f26c78f0c9df98ba73357c0efe91c9c1ef;
colonies generator pack --arg hello5 --generatorid 3ac74d27f132007d5fb2e7cbedb279f26c78f0c9df98ba73357c0efe91c9c1ef;

Let’s see if a workflow was created.

colonies workflow psw
│ WORKFLOWID                                                       │ SUBMSSIONTIME       │ INITIATOR  │
│ b1706752af86ad9da0ea5cd194009188c8391a837fbb80e478e8df672742230b │ 2024-01-02 19:31:23 │ myexecutor │

Let’s lookup the Workflow to see if the data is there.

colonies workflow get --workflowid b1706752af86ad9da0ea5cd194009188c8391a837fbb80e478e8df672742230b
│ Workflow                                                                          │
│ WorkflowId     │ b1706752af86ad9da0ea5cd194009188c8391a837fbb80e478e8df672742230b │
│ SubmissionTime │ 2024-01-02 19:31:23                                              │
│ State          │ Waiting                                                          │
│ StartTime      │ 0001-01-01 00:53:28                                              │
│ InitiatorName  │ myexecutor                                                       │
│ InitiatorId    │ 3fc05cf3df4b494e95d6a3d297a34f19938f7daa7422ab0d4f794454133341ac │
│ EndTime        │ 0001-01-01 00:53:28                                              │

│ WaitingForParents │ false                                                            │
│ State             │ Waiting                                                          │
│ ProcessId         │ 3fc9d091bd6684c86215d4284dce1836cb477eab4a7a44771ae4d008ff3d3e4f │
│ NodeName          │ generator_example                                                │
│ KwArgs            │ None                                                             │
│ InitiatorId       │ 3fc05cf3df4b494e95d6a3d297a34f19938f7daa7422ab0d4f794454133341ac │
│ Initiator         │ myexecutor                                                       │
│ FuncName          │ echo                                                             │
│ ExecutorType      │ cli                                                              │
│ Dependencies      │ None                                                             │
│ Args              │ hello3 hello4 hello5 hello2 hello3                               │

List generators

colonies generator ls
│ GENERATORID                                                      │ NAME          │ INITIATOR  │
│ 3ac74d27f132007d5fb2e7cbedb279f26c78f0c9df98ba73357c0efe91c9c1ef │ testgenerator │ myexecutor │

Get info about a generator

colonies generator get --generatorid 3ac74d27f132007d5fb2e7cbedb279f26c78f0c9df98ba73357c0efe91c9c1ef
│ Trigger       │ 5                                                                │
│ Timeout       │ -1                                                               │
│ QueueSize     │ 2                                                                │
│ Name          │ testgenerator                                                    │
│ Lastrun       │ 2024-01-02 19:31:23                                              │
│ Initiator     │ myexecutor                                                       │
│ GeneratorId   │ 3ac74d27f132007d5fb2e7cbedb279f26c78f0c9df98ba73357c0efe91c9c1ef │
│ Colony        │ dev                                                              │
│ CheckerPeriod │ 1000                                                             │
│ Function Specifica │
│ tion               │
│ Func        │ echo │
│ Args        │ None │
│ KwArgs      │ None │
│ MaxWaitTime │ 0    │
│ MaxExecTime │ 0    │
│ MaxRetries  │ 0    │
│ Priority    │ 0    │
│ Function Specifica │
│ tion               │
│ Func        │ echo │
│ Args        │ None │
│ KwArgs      │ None │
│ MaxWaitTime │ 0    │
│ MaxExecTime │ 0    │
│ MaxRetries  │ 0    │
│ Priority    │ 0    │
│ Label       │      │

Remove a generator

colonies generator remove --generatorid 112480ed9cfc25f69ad87009d38946fd024c8d0320f7295838eda368e0cb7880
INFO[0000] Removing generator



ColonyOS features a built-in Meta-Filesystem designed to make data transfer between Executors easier. Unlike regular filesystems that store data directly, Colony FS only contains metadata on how to access files, for example data location, credentials or configuration settings. The data itself is stored in various other places like Amazon S3 or IPFS.

Make sure the following environmental variable is set

export AWS_S3_ENDPOINT=""
export AWS_S3_ACCESSKEY=""
export AWS_S3_SECRETKEY=""
export AWS_S3_REGION_KEY=""
export AWS_S3_BUCKET=""
export AWS_S3_TLS=""

Synchronizing files

First create some files.

mkdir myfiles;
cd myfiles;
echo "Hello" > hello.txt;
mkdir subdir;
cd subdir;
echo "Hello 2" > hello2.txt;
cd ../..

Now, upload the myfiles directory and all its sub-directories to CFS under the label myfiles.

colonies fs sync -l myfiles -d myfiles --yes
INFO[0000] Calculating sync plans
Analyzing /home/johan/dev/github/colony~ ... done!
Analyzing /home/johan/dev/github/colony~ ... done!
Uploading /myfiles/subdir                ... done! [8B]
Uploading /myfiles                       ... done! [6B]

We can not download the files from another computer, or just to another directory (myfiles2).

colonies fs sync -l myfiles -d myfiles2 --yes
INFO[0000] Calculating sync plans
Downloading /home/johan/dev/github/colo~ ... done! [8B]
Downloading /home/johan/dev/github/colo~ ... done! [6B]

Use the flag –keeplocal=true to prevent the CLI from overwriting local files in case the files have changed remotely.

List all labels

To list all labels, type:

colonies fs label ls
│ LABEL           │ FILES │
│ /myfiles/subdir │ 1     │
│ /myfiles        │ 1     │
colonies fs ls -l /myfiles

List files in a label

colonies fs ls -l /myfiles
│ FILENAME  │ SIZE  │ LATEST ID                                                        │ ADDED               │ REVISIONS │
│ hello.txt │ 0 KiB │ e7036e2a0da8bc9d4e8cb260e340e21ff2c493122561fd05f7fb76da4b191284 │ 2024-01-02 19:38:55 │ 1         │

Get info about a file

colonies fs info -l /myfiles -n hello.txt
│ Filename        │ hello.txt                                                        │
│ FileId          │ e7036e2a0da8bc9d4e8cb260e340e21ff2c493122561fd05f7fb76da4b191284 │
│ Added           │ 2024-01-02 19:38:55                                              │
│ Sequence Number │ 2                                                                │
│ Label           │ /myfiles                                                         │
│ Colony          │ dev                                                              │
│ Size            │ 0 KiB                                                            │
│ Checksum        │ 66a045b452102c59d840ec097d59d9467e13a3f34f6494e539ffd32c1bb35f18 │
│ Checksum Alg    │ SHA256                                                           │
│ Protocol        │ s3                                                               │
│ S3 Endpoint     │ localhost:9000                                                   │
│ S3 TLS          │ false                                                            │
│ S3 Region       │                                                                  │
│ S3 Bucket       │ colonies-prod                                                    │
│ S3 Object       │ e85385e4fcc4a4de5ff6d9921288df79d53ed33ebfde9625ec65bc234bc70b8b │
│ S3 Accesskey    │ ******************************                                   │
│ S3 Secretkey    │ ******************************                                   │
│ Encryption Key  │ ******************************                                   │
│ Encryption Alg  │                                                                  │

Download a specific file

To download a specific File in a specific Label to a directory newdir:

colonies fs get -l /myfiles -n hello.txt -d newdir
Downloading hello.txt                    ... done! [6B]

Remove a file

colonies fs remove -l /myfiles -n hello.txt
INFO[0000] Removed file (local file is not removed)

FileID= Label=/myfiles Name=hello.txt

Warning! In the current version of ColonyOS, this will break snapshots where the file is included.

Remove a label

colonies fs label remove -l /myfiles/subdir
All files with label </myfiles/subdir/*> will be removed. Local files are not removed.

Are you sure you want to continue?  (yes,no): yes

Create a snapshot

A snapshot is a read-only copy of a label. Snapshots are useful for ensuring that a label remains unchanged. For instance, you can create a snapshot of a label, then download it to another computer, ensuring you retrieve the same files part of the snapshots even if the label has been modified. Once created, a snapshot cannot be altered.

colonies fs snapshot create -l /myfiles -n mysnapshot
INFO[0000] Snapshot created
Label=/myfiles/ SnapshotName=mysnapshot
│ SnapshotId │ 8a66fe1bd92ee5af4f739f8c5ded116251d12db95db248a77b0f41fd3e41ff39 │
│ Name       │ mysnapshot                                                       │
│ Label      │ /myfiles                                                         │
│ Colony     │ dev                                                              │
│ Added      │ 2024-01-02 18:43:45                                              │
│ FILENAME   │ FILEID                                                           │ ADDED               │
│ hello.txt  │ e7036e2a0da8bc9d4e8cb260e340e21ff2c493122561fd05f7fb76da4b191284 │ 2024-01-02 19:38:55 │
│ hello2.txt │ 84c424fc6e7ae6ce6dfe7a88c5877e5af44c56fc65f60824f4282b22a73d0cff │ 2024-01-02 19:38:55 │

Download a snapshot

To download a snapshot to a directory downloaded_snapshot:

colonies fs snapshot download -n mysnapshot -d downloaded_snasphot
Downloading hello.txt 100% [===============] (195 B/s)
Downloading hello2.txt 100% [===============] (258 B/s)

Show info about a snapshot

To show info about a snapshot:

colonies fs snapshot info -n mysnapshot
│ SnapshotId │ 8a66fe1bd92ee5af4f739f8c5ded116251d12db95db248a77b0f41fd3e41ff39 │
│ Name       │ mysnapshot                                                       │
│ Label      │ /myfiles                                                         │
│ Colony     │ dev                                                              │
│ Added      │ 2024-01-02 19:43:45                                              │
│ FILENAME   │ FILEID                                                           │ ADDED               │
│ hello.txt  │ e7036e2a0da8bc9d4e8cb260e340e21ff2c493122561fd05f7fb76da4b191284 │ 2024-01-02 19:38:55 │
│ hello2.txt │ 84c424fc6e7ae6ce6dfe7a88c5877e5af44c56fc65f60824f4282b22a73d0cff │ 2024-01-02 19:38:55 │

List all snapshots

colonies fs snapshot ls
│ NAME        │ SNAPSHOTID                                                       │ LABEL    │ FILES │ ADDED               │
│ mysnapshot  │ 99fb744919d8593940ad3e49354b307842f364d2b919b722b7e760923cb0e1b5 │ /myfiles │ 2     │ 2024-01-04 12:31:12 │
│ mysnapshot2 │ eaad357f164c330c8922756c9ae74e25d12cd99b98f6617d3bc2284464d01df3 │ /myfiles │ 2     │ 2024-01-04 12:31:11 │
│ mysnapshot1 │ c94e7d2a347da9c9b29ed46ff6b9fdd28aea52fd032287f2dbca23a8829d6ae5 │ /myfiles │ 2     │ 2024-01-04 12:31:10 │
│ mysnapshot3 │ 479c3a0b50fb1d9e3963462ecad1d9934db0d10d7bfcbe42e8eb45a3c38d0c65 │ /myfiles │ 2     │ 2024-01-04 12:31:08 │

Remove a snaphot

colonies fs snapshot remove -n mysnapshot
INFO[0000] Snapshot removed


Remove all snaphots

colonies fs snapshot removeall
WARNING!!! Are you sure you want to remove all snapshots in colony <dev>. This operation cannot be undone! (YES,no): YES
INFO[0001] All snapshots removed


Change user Id

To change the user Id, you first need to generate a new private key. The private key is used to sign all requests to the ColonyOS API.

colonies key generate
INFO[0000] Generated new private key

To change the user Id, type:

colonies user chid --userid af27015d13c896829c7f670d9cc3804a99b95f6ff6742090c99255a15e9a9079
INFO[0000] Changed user Id

To use the new user Id, you also need to update the environmental variable COLONIES_PRVKEY

export COLONIES_PRVKEY=09ca203b3b033a58118ee786e779020a50bdc47e81d6dd214ccd3f9b802d659f

Change executor Id

Let’s first add a test executor.

colonies key generate
INFO[0000] Generated new private key
colonies executor add --executorid e199f392d5ed676fdebfac8f71d69684f90c80e7776d390b1ef495f0ea3950a9 \
--name my_name \
--type my_type \

Export the private key to an environmental variable to use exector when interacting with the ColonyOS API.

export COLONIES_PRVKEY=a410e7471a2d43228c90d6b6de6df299fe5d2863eb20dda1964e1f169e4e6dcd

Now, let’s change the executor Id.

colonies key generate
INFO[0000] Generated new private key
colonies executor chid --executorid 68fd35cdb87cc00825a86cdb0accae67565ea68fede3a1694864cd57104844cd
INFO[0000] Changed executor Id

Update the environmental variable COLONIES_PRVKEY to use the new executor Id.

export COLONIES_PRVKEY=6131943cee3c123a5eb6d4c28ba107f60e215ea4fc2013c009dd6cacf1e964cd

Change colony Id

To generate a new colony Id, first generate a new private key.

colonies key generate
INFO[0000] Generated new private key
colonies colony chid --colonyid 07079e6e0d6737c688204ec2fcb68db1b00a903e9f059a76f1fcb185947de7fa
INFO[0000] Changed colony Id

To use the new colony Id, you also need to update the environmental variable COLONIES_COLONY_PRVKEY.

export COLONIES_COLONY_PRVKEY=da041bd75fe6e2c0bfdf95873ab12d2dcd11aaf46ef6f9c5cac28b4fa9386ff0

Change server Id

To generate a new server Id, first generate a new private key.

colonies key generate
INFO[0000] Generated new private key
colonies server chid --serverid fc99670de6c091c99b5ea8e86f230e238f1cc67b29d0d4e7204e38b6d366710b

To use the new server Id, you also need to update the environmental variable COLONIES_SERVER_PRVKEY.

export COLONIES_SERVER_PRVKEY=37837d364ad0df1d62cc48eb4c58aeba267196b60c9d09005c3fcad53195ef18

Find out Id given a private key

colonies key id --prvkey a410e7471a2d43228c90d6b6de6df299fe5d2863eb20dda1964e1f169e4e6dcd                                                             16:58:56
INFO[0000] Corresponding Id for the given private key